Other experiments
".... images made with quartz sand and mixtures of tempera, acrylics, oil colors, images that blend with the autobiography, with the self-portrait, with the faces of the family, husband and wife, and flying Chagallian daughters, with pages of a diary, which is chaste love story. " (Marzio Dall'Acqua)

Quartz sand, tempera on handmade paper, 1994, 72x52 cm

Quartz sand, tempera, ink on handmade paper , 1994, 74x52 cm

Quartz sand, pigments on fine shimmed paper, 1993, 52x74 cm

Quartz sand, oil, acrylic on shimmed paper, 1999, 77x57 cm

,,,of the knowing that I know nothing Metal, resin, pigments on fine shimmed paper, 1997, 74x52 cm

Enamel, pigments on shimmed paper, 1998, 77x57 cm

Quartz sand, acrylic on fine shimmed paper, 1997, 74x52 cm

Quartz sand, pigments, oil on fine shimmed paper, 1993, 74x52 cm

...near the river Quartz sand, resin, acrylic on shimmed paper, 2000, 76x57 cm

Resin, pigments, acrylic on shimmed paper, 1997-2000, 100x70 cm

Quartz sand, pigments on fine shimmed paper, 1998, 76x57 cm

Quartz sand, pigments on shimmed paper, 1998, 30x16 cm

Quartz sand, tempera on shimmed paper, 1994, 76x57 cm

Quartz sand, tempera on shimmed paper, 1996, 57x76 cm

Quartz sand, tempera, oil, polyethylene on cardboard, 1998, 58x86 cm