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Art is on the "Way of mistreatment

by Giorgio Sorel

Since the nineties, my painting and my muse walked side by side. 

In a few years as a true art predator, I completed various courses of study on painting. It's like having had inside me several lifetimes. 

The painting is the most immediate expression together with the music. A light, a flash in the gray of everyday life.

I owned the art of painting, creating flowed in my blood, in the hands. Wonder is the necessary and decisive push to enter in the impenetrability of the labyrinths of life and thought.

Painting in his wonderful aesthetic expression, without artifice language, is revealed visually to the man spectator, so unequivocally clear and without boundaries. It deals with the mystery of life with its ghosts of the past and present. 

Inside, it is celebrated with the necessary bitterness the anger for its mediocrity, the immorality of the ruthless executioner to his fellow men, while he consumes and destroys the planet where he lives.

In "The Way of Fusion", the only technique that pushed me in his strong justification of contemporaneity as compositional manifesto against that one banal, monotonous, formal, of the oil, in the gentle or gritty brushstrokes of Impressionism and American Abstract art, in an attempt to hide ingenuous and anthropomorphic man.

With the fusion technique, the inexpressible, in the moment when he was imprisoned, fixed on the canvas permanently, becomes a new approach, closer to the violent reality of our days.

An exclusive journey in the most urgent spaces of existing, perpetually marching toward freedom.

The fusion is a harbinger of anticipations and in the visual need, works such as "The circle and the Shoah" and "Katarsis" are too important because of their message.

Great art is not subject to fashion and money, in their arrogance and fatal contamination.

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